Meet the Candidate

Hannah is a Cedar Falls native. She has spent much of her life within just a few blocks of Lincoln Elementary and Cedar Falls High School. Her parents, Reece and Bett Peterson, both now retired, worked as a Waterloo firefighter and Waterloo school teacher, respectively. In addition to being her lifelong support system, Reece and Bett have taught Hannah that Cedar Falls is one of the best places to call home; from Tuesday night Municipal Band concerts, to whipped cream topped hot chocolate from Cup of Joe, to volleyball games at UNI.

After graduating from Cedar Falls High School, Hannah earned her Associates Degree at Hawkeye Community College. From there she worked as an administrative assistant at Waterloo West High. With a few years of experience at a traditional nine-to-five, Hannah decided to attend the University of Northern Iowa, where she earned her Bachelor's Degree in Public Relations.

Mostly on a whim, Hannah decided to move to Los Angeles. She spent the summer with her aunt and uncle, applied for jobs, explored the city, and made new friends. Thankfully, she quickly found a dream job at Deutsch, an advertising agency. Hannah joined the Quality Assurance team, working on websites like Taco Bell and Volkswagen. After a few years, she found herself disenchanted with the hustle (and the traffic) and decided to relocate to Salt Lake City, Utah, and eventually back to Cedar Falls.

Today Hannah works for AgencyBloc, an insurance agency management system founded in Cedar Falls, as a Quality Assurance Analyst. Outside of work, Hannah spends much of her time serving in several volunteer positions. She is the current Board President for the College Hill Partnership, a commissioner on Cedar Falls Planning and Zoning Commission, and a board member of the Stone Soul Picnic.

During her tenure with the College Hill Partnership, she has contributed to many projects and events. One she is most proud of is establishing Saturdays in Seerley, a time for neighbors and friends to gather and enjoy coffee and pastries. This time gives neighbors the opportunity to have conversations about the neighborhood, talk with elected officials, and build lasting relationships.

She is currently focused on the in-progress renovations of Seerley Park. These renovations are focused on making the park more ADA accessible and building a new shelter. This project has been in the works for many years and Hannah feels fortunate to be a part of the group that will be able to execute it.

She and her husband Matt are currently fixing up their 120-year-old home, and enjoying spending time with their new miniature dachshund Marge, and their cat Max.